
Discover Pula's First Cryosauna

Welcome to Cryosauna Istria, your destination for Cryotherapy.  Our services are designed to enhance your overall wellness and beauty. Join us at the Silhouette International Institute in Pula, and enjoy a unique experience.

Main Benefits

Weight Loss

Enhances metabolism, promoting significant calorie burning during each session  and 'browns' white fat.

Anti-Aging Effect

Improves skin elasticity and boost up collagen production for tighter and younger-looking skin.

Natural Pain Relief

Reduces inflammation and muscle pain, enhancing physical recovery.

Detox Effect

Enhances blood circulation and microcirculation, and regulates levels of "bad" cholesterol (LDL) in the blood.

Anti-Stress Effect

Reduces stress and anxiety, promoting deeper and more restorative sleep.

Energy  and Performance

Increases energy levels, enhances sports performance, and prevents muscle cramps.


Cryotherapy, derived from the Greek term "cold cure," has ancient roots. Both the Greeks and Romans harnessed the power of cold to relieve pain and inflammation, as seen in the frigidarium of Roman baths.

In the 19th century, English physician James Arnott further explored the therapeutic benefits of cold. However, the true revolution came in 1978 in Japan, thanks to Dr. Toshima Yamauchi. Observing the positive effects of winter on his patients, Yamauchi developed the cryosauna: a chamber with extremely low temperatures where just a few minutes are enough to achieve extraordinary results.

Since then, cryotherapy has become a beloved treatment for athletes, celebrities, and wellness enthusiasts worldwide.

Contact us


Cankarova 4 52100 Pola, Croazia

+385 (0)52 217 548


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